Sharing A Live Sale To A Group or Page (just one person)
Sharing A Live Sale To A Group or Another Page
If you wish to go Live on both a Business Page and a Group or perhaps your Personal Page and you don't have someone to share your Live for you, here is a way to do it with minimal work during the live. These instructions require you are using a computer for the device your running Live Assistant on (not a tablet or phone). You can use any device you choose for the FB Live. Note: Turn the sound volume off / mute on your computer before doing this.
A) You will want to set up your browser so you have three separate windows side by side on your screen. As you can see below, window (1) has our Live Assistant software loaded and ready to start your live. Browser Window (2) is the FB Business Page your going live in. The third page (3) is the Page or Group you want the live to also be Live in.
B) In the Page/Group in the (3) windows, choose the Create Post option on that page, so it's open and ready for content to be shared.

C) You are now ready to start your Live on a second device like a phone. As you can see from the below picture, we are showing the Live has begun and Live Assistant has woken up showing the Live Dashboard. In the middle window (your Business Page, refresh the page and find the Live you just started on another device. You can see that Live here (5) Once you click on it, it will take up the full window with the video and customers' comments starting to come in. With the Live now filling up that middle window, the link at the top of the browser window (6) is the link directly to your Live you just started. Click or touch in this link and copy the full link. CNTR+C, CMD + C, or right-click and choose copy. Now move over to the third window (your second Page/Group you wish to share to and paste the Live Link into the waiting Create Post (7) and then click the Post button (8). You have now shared the live to this second Page/Group and it will be an open Live similar to going live directly there. Customers joining the Live there will be managed just like those joining in the originating page.
Sharing a Live into a Group
Hope that helps,
LoyalShops Support