Barcodes: Pre-built Key Price-Point Barcodes for Live Assistant Pro Lives

Barcodes: Pre-built Key Price-Point Barcodes for Live Assistant Pro Lives

Live Assistant Pro can use Claim Item Numbers or Barcode Scanning to help bring up and claim inventory.  

If your importing a Inventory File in our Live Assistant Pro Template that already has barcodes in the file and you have barcodes on your products, Live Assistant Pro will use your Barcode Scanner during lives.  When you Barcode Scan, it will drop a Product Description Comment into the live as well after the scan.  

Many of our retailers sell clothes or jewelry, and a barcode scanner has benefits during FB Lives, but you don't already have Barcodes on your products or an inventory file with Barcodes already in them.   I that case, we have a few options to enable Barcoding capability.  One note, if your just starting out, adding Barcoding adds one more level of complexity to your Live Sale.  You may wish to consider starting with Range Claiming with Numbered Tiles.  You can learn more about Range Claiming in the Help File/Video named: Live Assistant Pro - Pre-Loading Inventory - 7 Examples to Mix & Match to best Serve Your Business

Barcode Scanners
Barcode Scanners are handheld devices that act like a keyboard to your devices.  They scan vertical lines and those lines are converted into a number and sent to your device.  Barcode converted to a number should match a barcode number associated with one of your products in your inventory files.  If you don't own one yet, we have a few we have tested and know they work well starting at $30.  Barcode Scanners for Live Assistant Pro

We have three options below on ways to quickly add Barcoding to your Live Assistant Pro Lives.  Read through these and call if you need help beyond this to decide what method is best for your business needs:  949-614-5650. 

First Option - Pre-Defined Barcodes with General Descriptions and Key Price Points - Download the templates and print them yourselves on your own printer.
We created barcode pages with Claim Item Numbers on them and Key selling price points.     You can see examples of the prices we covered below.  While not all price points are included, we tried to cover the usual price points products are sold at.  For example,  Claim Items 1-80 are all $5 and a description of Clothing & Accessories or Jewelry & Accessories depending on the Inventory CSV you use.  You can even modify this CSV file to be more customized or list other products besides Clothes & Jewelry.  These barcode sheets were built with standard Avery 18167 return address envelope stickers 1/2" high and 1 3/4" long.    We give you the PDFs of these barcodes and you can print out the sheets on your printer using the Avery-style sticker paper you can buy from office superstores or online.  Then these stickers can be applied onto hangers, bags, containers or other methods to attach to the products you sell.  Then during a live, you can barcode one of these, and it will bring up the product onto Live Dashboard, and it will send a comment into a live with that live information.   

We supply an inventory csv that you can load into Live Assistant Pro that knows these barcode details and will apply a product description to all of them of "Clothing & Accessories". However, you can change the product description in the CSV per barcode range to suit your business type. 

When starting Live Assistant Pro, the retailer would upload the inventory file that matches these Barcodes into the "Upload Inventory List Box"

You will need to load one of these CSV Inventory Files every time you go live using these barcodes!

Clothing Inventory CSV - Here is that inventory CSV file you can download if you sell Clothing: clothing-range-1-1280.csv

Jewelry Inventory CSV - Here is that inventory CSV file you can download if you sell Jewelry: jewelry-range-1-1280.csv

If you offer other products besides Clothing or Jewelry, download either of these templates. While leaving the range claiming numbers & pricing the same, you can adjust the product_title descriptions to suit what products you are offering and use descriptor choices if you wish to show changes in value in the descriptions.  

Below is an example of a Live using these barcodes with the Clothing CSV File loaded then going live with these barcodes.  The retailer barcoded Item Number 350.

Below you can see Live Dashboard & when the item is barcoded, it shows up in Live Dashboard with item number, description, and price.  It also sends that information as a comment into the live as can be seen on the right.  Then the customer can claim the item "sold 350," and they are given the item. 

You can download the sheets of Barcodes below and then print them out with standard Avery 18167 return address envelope stickers 1/2" high and 1 3/4" long.    

Need more $5 & $6 Barcodes?
Some customers do quite a bit of $5 & $6 Jewelry, so we created another 80 number $5 page and a 79 number $6 page.  But to keep the claim numbers as 3 digit, we used the 641-720 $30s range again for the $6 tags and 721-800 range for $5 (replacing the $40s.)    If you need $30s and $40s. tags, don't use these two pages as they have the ame range.  But if you don't sell $30-$49 items, but need more $5-$6 tags, here you go.  We still had more requests for $5 barcodes, so we created another 160 $5 barcodes with number 1121-1280 and these do not overlap. 

Additional non-overlapping $5 Barcodes.  You can use these with the Clothing & Jewelry inventory files above. 

These sheets of claim numbers can be printed onto the Avery 18167 blank label sheets that can be purchased at office superstores, Amazon, etc.  
We don't prefer the Avery branded labels because they are expensive and they have little strips that can peal off into your printer.  Below is a link for some great quality label sheets and awesome pricing.

Second Option - Print Your Own Claim Numbers & Barcodes
 We have sheets of barcodes that use the Avery Compatible 18167 x 1 3/4" Return Address Sticker Labels.  I have numbers from 1-1440 available across two PDF Files. 

Unlike the First Option above, we haven't included a spreadsheet with these barcodes.  So you either need to bring your own inventory sheet - still using our LAP Inventory Template filled out to match these claim numbers and load that Inventory sheet before each live. 
Or you could create a spreadsheet for a feature like Range Claiming like this example Inventory CSV:

These sheets of claim numbers can be printed onto the Avery 18167 blank label sheets that can be purchased at office superstores, Amazon, etc.  
We don't prefer the Avery branded labels because they are expensive and they have little strips that can peal off into your printer.  Below is a link for some great quality label sheets and awesome pricing.

Third Option - Pre-Printed Claim Numbers & Barcodes

Another option is to buy barcode/numbered labels already pre-built.  You can then apply them to your products and build an Inventory CSV that gives them descriptions and prices.  When you barcode scan items, it will bring up the product onto Live Dashboard and send a comment with the product description/variants to the Live as a comment with the claim number.