Business Page Not Visible When Not Logged In To Facebook?

Business Page Not Visible When Not Logged In To Facebook?

At some point you may have set some settings in Facebook that does not allow your FB Business Page to be visible if a viewer is not logged into Facebook.  We have found that if a Business Page has any Country or Age Restrictions, that Facebook will no longer allow your page to be visible to anyone without a logged in Facebook Account.  They see this error on their browser:

For our Texting service, we need to submit a business website to the carriers.  If the page is a FB Business Page, it has to be visible without being logged into the Facebook or they will fail the application.  

To View / Edit your Country Restrictions & Age Restrictions on your FB Business Page from a computer web browser:

1) Change to your FB Business Page Profile and go to your business page your checking and Verify the Profile is set as your Business Page, not your personal profile. 

2) Click on the Profile / FB Menu Circle Icon in the top right (dog icon in this example) and then choose Settings & Privacy:

3) Now from the same menu, choose Settings.

4) On the left side of the screen, go down to the Audience & visibility section and choose "Followers and public content".

5) Now towards to bottom of the page in the middle to "Country Restrictions", click the down arrow on the right of Country Restrictions,  and then choose Edit

6)  If you have any Country Restrictions set to only show to the United States or to hide any countries, those need to be removed. Below picture, the United States would need to be removed with the X. 

7) Also check that there are no Age Restrictions in place. So from the same location as Step 5, you can find and use the drop down for Age Restrictions.  Then hit the Edit Button. 

8) Make sure Age Restrictions are set to "Public"

9) If you made any changes to Country Restrictions and/or Age Restrictions, hit the Save button bottom of these sections.